The Fine Art of David Carrigan
David “Bodie” Carrigan is an artist whose creations are inspired by a wide range of subject matter, including Native American themes, wildlife and fantasy. No matter the genre, his work is filled with a feeling for the subject and an eye for detail, which lends it an air of realism. His current style could be classified as “illusionistic realism”. This means that there is a minute attention to detail in his paintings—every leaf on the trees, every blade of grass, the subtle blending of light and shadow—that causes the viewer to believe that he or she is looking at something real and three dimensional, as if it were a scene outside a window.
David has always enjoyed an active lifestyle and a love of nature. This love of the out-of-doors had its beginning in his childhood when he and his brother Dan swam in the Battle Creek River on hot summer days and played for hours in the woods near their home in Charlotte, Michigan. He began drawing at an early age, when he developed a passion for reading, and became inspired by the different books that he read. He especially liked stories of early America and various historical figures. Later on, he developed a passion for heroic fantasy and science fiction literature. This, combined with TV and movies, further influenced his art.
As a young man, he began traveling around the US and Canada for inspiration. Sketching, while hiking and camping in such picturesque locations as the Grand Canyon, the Redwoods, the Rockies and Yellowstone, left a lasting impression on his mind and art. David continued art studies at Lansing Community College where he received an Associates Degree in Commercial art.
Today, David “Bodie” Carrigan is in the fine art market and has a studio in his home in Charlotte, Michigan. With a lifetime of study and personal experience behind him, David strives to use his art to entertain, inform, and to convey the sense of the mystery that he feels for this wonderful planet and the miracle of existence which we all share. He and his wife, Chrysti, have two children.
David and Chrysti own and operate Art Gone Wild, their own company that produces his beautiful art.
Web design © David Carrigan site webmaster
All art images © David Carrigan, artist, all rights reserved